Coaching Method-Fees

Featured Top Step Triathlete Tom Robey, Elite Triathlete, Boulder, Colorado 70.3 specialist

Coaching Method – I will be coaching the team primarily in a virtual format using TrainingPeaks, WKO5, Stryd and other training platforms to provide training programs and data analysis. Communication is extremely important in any coaching environment, so I will be communicating through regular Zoom and phone calls, texts and emails. Annual camps will be a primary way to have face to face time in a daily training environment (DTE).

Camps – Camps will develop based on the number of athletes who become members on the team. Specific details on dates and duration of each camp are TBD but camps will typically be 5-7 days and will operate out of beautiful Folsom Cal. Costs for the camp will vary but will be kept to an absolute minimum, typically under $700 (not including flight and meals), and will not include any coaching fee.

The camps will be in a highly focused and supportive daily training environment in Folsom Cal which has a world-class training environment, with access to all the necessary elements for a superior training setting.  Perfect bike, run and swim locations with 30 miles of biking and running paths, two terrific lakes for open water swim practice, hundreds of miles of excellent cycling roads with a nice mix of terrain, a beautiful track and terrific 25 yard lap lane pool. Complete camp details will be provided as they are developed.

Daily Training Environment – In addition to camps, I encourage each athlete to consider relocating permanently to Folsom, Cal as part of this coaching environment. A daily training environment can be a definitive way to excel and progress as an athlete, when you are training regularly with other team members and have face to face access with myself as your coach. I realize making such a move involves a lot of change, but it can be very beneficial. If this is something you wish to consider, we can discuss this once you become a member of the team

Coaching Fees – my fees as coach are extremely low given the nature of the elite development athlete’s financial circumstances. Fees will be determined entirely on an “ability to pay” basis but will be no more than $75 month. Actual coaching fees will be determined in the interview process. Contractually, I will ask each athlete to pay up to 10% of their winnings from any given race in which they earn money, after one year as a team member. Fees can of course be supported by employment and although training at such a high level requires a significant amount of time each week, 18-22+ hours, I realize having, at the very least, part-time employment, can help support your participation on this team.